Important Time Sensitive Announcements
How to Complete your Attendance
Statewide Provider Portal Webinar
School Readiness
School Readiness Eligibility Changes Effective September 1, 2016.
Voluntary Prekindergarten
Click here to view the VPK payment rate schedule for 2017-2018
April 26, 2018 - Are you offering Summer VPK in 2018? If so, please note the change to the process for enrolling your children. Since we are currently transitioning to the new Provider Portal, you will be unable to enter COEs on your roster as you did in the past. Instead, please upload copies of your student's COEs to this portal in the "VPK Enrollment Certificates" folder and please label the file "Summer 2018." If you have opted for Advanced Payment, please upload your certificates as soon as possible so that the enrollment can be completed in time to process your prepayment.
9/6/2017 - Click here for tips and resources for creating your program's disaster preparedness plan
Provider Payment Caseloads October 2017
Provider Relations Caseloads October 2017
February 9, 2018 - Visit the tutorial section above to view the webinar on the new Statewide Provider Portal.PLEASE NOTE: although the audio starts immediately, the video begins a couple minutes in.
March 22, 2018 - Federal legislation requires that all child care providers offering the School Readiness Program must have at least one inspection each year. These inspections will be implemented by Broward County Child Care Licensing in the coming weeks. In the School Readiness section above, you will find additional documents about these inspections as well as upcoming meetings to be conducted by Broward County Child Care Licensing.
Welcome to ELC Provider Portal
Do not Register again if you have previously used the site, use the Reset Password link in the Login panel if you need to Reset your Password